The owner of the field is a refugee in Gaza since 1948.
He's been cultivating this land since 40 years, planted trees (olives, lemons,...) and vegetables. At about 1.5 km distance, Nisanit (an Israeli settlement) and then New Nisanit were build illegally. Gradually a buffer zone was created around those settlements by expelling Palestinians from their land. Untill his field touched the border of that growing buffer zone.
One day in March 2002, Israeli tanks and bulldozers came. They uprooted trees (with special bulldozers invented for that purpose), destroyed every inch of cultivation, destroyed the well, the irrigation system, the cowshed. Within 3 hours everything was ruined.
Then the bulldozers and tanks came towards the house to destroy it. The persons who were present at that moment, 3 women and 2 men resisted with their own bodies, by sitting on the ground in front of the house. The tank threatened to shoot and to drive over them, but they resisted. And after a long face-to-face the bulldozers and the tank gave up and withdrew.
